
Wednesday, July 21, 2021

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Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Pay-Per -Click Advertising

                                    Pay-Per-Click Advertising

What is   Pay-Per-Click Advertising?

                                            PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click. PPC is an online advertising model in which a publisher is paid when the ad is clicked. Pay Per click program allows you to acquire a position in search engine by choosing the price you want to pay for each visitor you receive.

So far PPC is the most direct marketing strategy ever invented. In PPC you do not have to worry fixing  keywords or links.

All you have to do is figure out how much you are willing to pay for the keywords and buy your position. You only then pay for people who actually click on your site.

To understand more here how pay per click marketing work...

1.You create your own page title, description of the page and links as you want can bring visitors to your site to make money.
2.Enter the phrase and keywords that would bring on the listing to appear.
3.You will put the amount of the keyword  that you are willing to pay for every click on your site. You can pay a little amount on some relevant keywords.
4.The amount you set on the keyword would then be compared to other bidders for the same keyword and then the results of the bidding are return to the user and the highest bid will appear first.

Types of Pay-Per-Click Advertising ads:

1.Text Ads

2.Display Ads

3.Shopping Ads

What are the Major Pay-Per-Click Advertising Platforms?

1.Amazon Advertising

2.Microsoft Advertising

3.Google Ads

What are the Benefits of Pay-Per-Click Advertising?

  • It reaches the audience cost effectively.
  • It provide instant traffic.
  • It drive warm leads.
  • PPC user data helps you SEO strategy.
  • PPC ads does 'not depend on algorithm Changes.
  • It offer multi-layered targeting options.
  • PPC user data benefits your social  media strategy.
  • It allow for smart retargeting.

Advantages :

  • Cost effective- It can be good value for money. You can choose to spend as much or little as you like.
  • Targeted-You can choose your audience according to demographics like location ,language and device.
  • Measurable- It can be setup to carefully measure effectiveness. You can determine exactly how much  your return in investment is.
  • Customizable- as you run your campaigns, you can make many small adjustment to improve based on what work best.
  • Training resources-There are many online courses, and training materials to help you develop your skills.
  • Fast- You will see the impact of your PPC efforts almost immediately


  • Time investment- you need to invest time into optimizing and improving to get the best result.
  • Skill required-It can take some practice to setup effective campaign.
  • Cost can quickly add up-You will need to allocate some budget for PPC campaigns, unlike SEO tactics where the in vestment is time and skills.
  • Click and visits don't allows lead to sales- you will need to convince the user to convert once they reach your website.


Wednesday, May 12, 2021

What is Affiliate Marketing?



                                                                  Affiliate marketing

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is the process by which an affiliate earns a commission for marketing another person's or company products. The affiliate search for a product they enjoy then promotes that product and earns a piece of the profit from each sale they make.

Affiliate marketing involves referring a product or service by sharing it on a blog, social media platforms and website.

The affiliate earns a commission each time make a purchase through the unique like associated with their recommendation.

How do affiliate marketers get paid?

In affiliate marketing  you are paid for the performance. There are three types:

1. Pay- per -click --> It is an online advertising model in which advertisers pay each time a user clicks on one of theirs ads

2.Pay- per -lead--> It is an online advertising pricing model, where the advertisers pay for an explicit sign up from a consumer interested in the advertiser's offer. It is otherwise called online lead generation.

3.Pay- per- sale--> The advertiser pay a commission to the website owner whenever a user first of all click on an affiliate link or on a banner on which it is being  promoted and then buy a product or place an order.

What are Affiliate Marketing Network?

1.Amazon Affiliate


3.Avangate Affiliate





How does affiliate marketing work?

1.Seller and the Creator

The seller is a vender, merchant, product creator or retailer with the product to market. The seller may be solo entrepreneur or large enterprise. The product may be household goods, or service like makeup tutorial.

The seller does not need to involve in marketing, but they may be advertiser and profit from the revenue sharing associated with the affiliate marketing.

2.The affiliate or advertiser

The publisher is also known as affiliate or partner. The affiliate promote the product to persuade consumers that is valuable or beneficial to them and convince them to purchase the product. If the consumer does end up the buying the product, the affiliate receives a portion of the revenue made.

3.The consumer

When consumers buy the product, the seller and the affiliate share the profit. Sometimes the affiliate will choose to  be upfront with the consumer by disclosing  that they are receiving commission for the sales they make.

Friday, April 30, 2021

How to add ad sense code in the Google Blogger?

 How to Add Ad sense Code in the Google Blogger.

1.Go to Google Ad sense Account.

2.Click the Ads and copy the code.

3.Go to your Blogger account.

4.Click the Theme menu.

5.Click the customize tab.

6.You can see the Edit Html menu.

7.You can see Html page of your site.

8.Click anywhere inside the page.

9.Press ctrl+f  in the keyboard. Search box will open.

10.Type </head> and this  tag will highlight in the Html page.

11.Paste the code above the</head> tag.

12.Wait for the Approval.

13.After getting the approval from Google ad sense.

14.Copy the code from ad unit. 15.Go to Layout in Blogger Page.

16.Click the Add  a Gadget menu.


18.Give title and paste the ad code and click to save.

19.Be patient because it will take 2 days when you add the code first time in your blog.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

How to add image and video in Google Blogger?

 How to Add Image and Video in Google Blogger?

This article will help you how to add image and video in blogger post.

How to add image in blog post?

  • Go to Google Blogger Account.
  • Click New Post.
  • In the tool bar you can see the insert image and click that.

  • Choose upload from computer.
  • Click select button and the image will appear in the post.

How to add video in blogger?

  • Go to Blogger account
  • Click New Post.
  • Next to Insert image you can see Insert Video .
  • Click that and upload the video from your computer.
  • And click the select button and you can see the videos in the blog post.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

How to Create and Add Site Map in Blogger?

 What is a XML Site Map?

Click here What is Xml Site Map?

How to create Site Map for Blogger?

Before going to Blogger first you have to create a Site Map for your site. Creating Site Map is simple.

So many websites are there for free to generate Site Map. You can use any one of the website and create your Site Map. Otherwise please follow the instructions below.

I have given below the sample site map likewise you create your own sitemap .Add your blog address in the blog name and create it.

Example: atom xml.?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500

How to add sitemap in Your Blogger?

v  Go to dashboard.
v  Navigate to Settings.
v  Then Go to Search Preferences.
v  Under Crawling and Index there is a custom robots.txt option. Click to Enable.
v  Paste the Sitemap you have created and click to save changes.

Now you have successfully added your Site Map.

Click here How to add sitemap in

Saturday, April 17, 2021

How to Post Blog on Instagram in Mobile?

 How to Post Blog on Instagram in Mobile?

  • Go to Blogger. 
  • Click to View your Blog.
  • Download the image of the blog post you want to share in Instagram.
  • Go to your Instagram account.
  •  Click the + icon at the bottom of the mobile screen.
  • Select the image you have downloaded. 
  • Go Next.
  • Copy URL from your Blog and paste it in the Box.
  • Add Location.
  • Tag people and Share it.

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