
Wednesday, April 7, 2021

What is an XML sitemap? and How to create Xml site map in Word Press?

 Here is a guide to know about  XML site maps and generate Xml sitemap.

What is XML Site Map?

A Sitemap is an XML file that lists the URLs for a site.. It allows  webmaster to include additional information about  each URL when it was updated, how often it changes and how important it is in relation to other URL of the site.

In simple term if i says ,an XML is a list of your website URL. It was first introduced by Google in 2005.It acts as a road map to tell search engines what content is available and how to reach it.

XML sitemap Format:

A sample sitemap that contain just one URLs and uses all optional tags.

<?xml version ="1.0"enconding="UTF-8"?>

<urlset xmlns="http// /0.9">








Type of Site Maps:

There are different types of Site Maps.

  • XML sitemap index
  • XML image sitemap
  • XML video sitemap
  • Google News sitemap
  • Mobile sitemap
  • HTML sitemap
  • Dynamic XML sitemap
Why you need an XML sitemap?

Site Maps are important from a search engine optimization point of view. Simply adding Site Map does not affect the search ranking.

However if there is a page on your site  that is not indexed, then sitemap provides you a way to let search engines know about your page.

Sitemaps extremely useful for when you first start a blog or create a new website because most of the new website doesn't have any backlinks. This makes it harder for search engines to discover all of their content.

This is why search engines like Google and Bingo allow new website

owner to submit a sitemap in their webmaster tool.

Let's have a look how to create Xml Sitemap in word press.

 How to create Xml Sitemap in word press?

  • Login into Word press website. Go to Dashboard.
  • Click on  SEO in the left side of the page.
  • This SEO setting will expand providing you additional option.
  • Click on General.
  • Click on the Features tab.
  • Toggle the XML sitemap switch.
  • Click Save changes.


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