
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

How to add Thumbnail to the Blog post

 How to add Thumbnail to the Blog post

Thumbnail is a term used by graphic designers and photographers for a small image representation of a large image, usually intended to make it easier  and faster to look at or manage a group of large images. Images that encourages people to buy. 

Thumbnail is on the internet is also responsible for the impression of web content such as pictures and videos. A well designed thumbnail attract interest and gain clicks.

A Thumbnail have a great role in blog, without it the blog is nothing  no matter how your article is. First impression is the best impression. It's because a Thumbnail represent over post so it is important to make it attractive and eye-catchy. If you not put Thumbnail for your post then you will loose your visitors.

How to create thumbnail in blog post?

  • Open you Blogger account.
  • Go to New post.
  • Type your content.
  • Download a image related to your content on your computer.
  • Go to insert image option. There is a option upload from computer. 
  • Select that picture and the picture will be copied in your post.
When you right click the image you will get so many options, there you can find copy image address. Don't forget to remove the image link . Keep the cursor on the image and click the enter button and you will see the image link .You can find out remove it immediately before go  to the html view. Whenever you add images to your blog ,try to remove the link for the image. This is very important.
  • Click on the HTML view. and Type the below code                                                                    <img src="image link"style="display:none;"/>
  • Come back to compose view and click the save button.
  • Go to  the home page and see whether the Thumbnail is added or not. 
Now Thumbnail is added to the blog post.

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